There are dozens if not hundreds of relevant publications from the pre Internet era which could be useful and interesting to include in the ALDA archive. The problems are several: a) finding them b) obtaining hard copies to scan c) obtaining permission, if any required, to add them to this site d) obtaining the funds required to scan these into PDFs. Depending on the size of the PDFs and number of issues it can cost from a few hundred to several thousands of dollars to get these scanned. Obviously this is an ongoing effort that will take considerable time and money.

Users and other interested parties are welcome to participate in this effort. In some cases I will attempt to contact libertarians or others who may have sets of these publications, or can refer me to someone who does. Most of these publications wanted, if not all, are also currently in university libraries (see below). Getting access to hard copies and permission to scan them for this project is another major job.

Since I was involved from the 1970s through the 1990s with a number of different libertarian publications, some related to the Libertarian Party and others not, I had access through sharing or exchanged subscriptions with many of the publications of interest. A small number I was involved with as an editor of some kind. In this role I came across hundreds of libertarian publications. Many were in my personal collection though nearly all of those were subsequently discarded in various moves. They took up a lot of physical space.

It used to be joked that in the early days of the American libertarian movement it consisted of 500 libertarians who produced 1,000 libertarian newsletters. Only a slight exaggeration. Before about 1980 most of these were independently produced by individuals or loose associations of local community or college/university libertarian groups. After the Libertarian Party was established in mid-1972 the LP related publications steadily grew from local and state organizations. After about 1980 LP publications predominated. ALDA is focused on the non LP publications since the Libertarian Party sponsored website hosts many of these online already.

Everything was very difficult in the early days for libertarian publishers and writers. No money, or very little, since the average libertarian back then was a student or recent grad, or of that age. With very little surplus capital. Few if any organizational sponsors. No advertisers. No personal computers, software or even cheap printing/copying. Mimeograph or offset printing was the norm. Address labeling was difficult, done via typewritten labels (lucky if you could photocopy onto those) or clunky Addressograph metal plates. The tech was very low and labor intensive. Manual typing was the norm. Professional typesetting was expensive and not common. Mail postage was expensive. Bulk mailing was difficult for small circulation publications and postal rules were onerous for sorting, sizing, and bundling by zip codes.

Even long distance telephone calls were relatively expensive for always broke libertarian activists. Faxes were for large businesses. Screening photos from prints also costly for print reproduction.. No digital photography, only film. Yet other than face-to-face meetings, phone calls or the occasional national conference or protest march, these primitive publications were the main way libertarians could communicate their ideas, hopes, plans, incessant arguments and pronouncements for change.

Other than the fledging Libertarian Party, in the 70s and 80s the only deep pocket institutional sponsors of libertarian ideas were scarce.Either the Koch brothers (Charles and David), whose Kansas based oil magnate father was an early student of “autarkist” pacifist paleo libertarian Robert Lefevre, or a few young businessmen influenced by Ayn Rand’s writings or Austrian School economists such as Murray N. Rothbard. And some who were students or admirers of Chicago School economists such as Milton Friedman and others. Some of these formed/sponsored the Reason Foundation which subsequently published Reasonmagazine, still published in slick print format..

The Kochs were the deepest pockets, and formed or funded outfits like the Libertarian Review Foundation, some student groups, and eventually the think tank The Cato Institute. They operated in the background of many groups and publications and it can be safely said that the majority of American libertarians from the mid-70s to early 2000s employed as “professional” libertarian writers, activists, organizers or publishers were on the Koch payroll directly or indirectly.  The rest of us were on our own. Working full or part time in other jobs and basically doing libertarian writing/research as a hobby or avocation, not a profession. The amateur ethos remains largely true today though the advent of the  Internet has made costs and barriers to entry much more affordable.

The merits of the Big Donor model for social change for libertarians has been debated since the early days. One undeniable aspect is that “he who pays the piper names the tune.” The Big Buck Kochs did operate largely hands-off in many early instances, but none of their publications lasted more than a few years. They were expensive to produce (relative to the amateur ones), had little if any actual advertising and the Kochs’ objectives tended to be fickle, depending on their moods or hidden long term agendas. Even now the Kochs have shifted gears, abandoning the label “libertarian” for “classical liberal” (a puzzling return to the failed 19thcentury era of European “liberalism”). Their funding of old stalwarts like the Cato Institute is largely gone. There have been no Koch funded publications in over three decades other than think tank journals.

One longstanding libertarian publication, Liberty Magazine(begun 1987) was founded by former Michigan coin dealer (the late) Bill Bradford, who started his magazine after moving to Washington State. Liberty Magazinereflected Bradford’s personal viewpoints and remained an “amateur” publication as contributors were unpaid. It remains alive today in a monthly online format. It stands out as the only longstanding libertarian magazine not financed by a think tank foundation or the Kochs. Libertyhad a variety of contributors and editors (including myself for a time) and often had high quality articles, surveys of libertarians and trenchant commentaries. (This Liberty Magazineis not to be confused with earlier magazines of the same name from the 19thCentury through the 1950s or the contemporary one of the same name that focuses on religious liberty matters.)

The other long standing publications were/are largely in academic journal format for a more scholarly audience. The Mises Institute, The Reason Foundation, The Independent Institute, among others, still produce these. This longevity failure is not unique to the libertarian movement. Most other American political/ideological magazines have disappeared from their original print formats. All of these were Major Funder supported by individuals or groups of millionaires or (now) billionaires who wanted to influence public opinion on contemporary political/social issues. Even today the funding hustle continues in this small but influential marketplace of ideas. Every few years these “think” magazines must find new sponsors or disappear and many have done.

Where to find relevant pre Internet libertarian publications? Other than in individual collections, many (but not all) can be found listed in the online Worldcat.orgwebsite. Under the search box “Periodicals-libertarian” this searchable data base shows the title and a few other relevant details about publications listed. It also shows where hard copies can be located in various university libraries. The most common libraries are focused collections at the University of Kansas in Wichita (reflecting the Koch brothers’ corporate home in the same location), the University of Wisconsin/Wisconsin Historical Society (often the special Labadie Collection of ‘radical’ political publications) and the University of Virginia, at Charlottesville, VA. Sometimes periodicals are present in the university libraries near where they were originally published or in some cases simply mailed by their publishers to the closest libraries.

The following list of Wanted Publicationsis largely gathered from the website. Or in a few instances from personal recollection. Most of the publication dates are approximate or guesstimates, since without complete sets it is difficult to know exact dates of start and end. I have added a few details in some cases about the editors/publishers from personal recollection (please feel free to correct any errors/omissions.) The listing does not show any information about online availability so that information shown separately on the ALDA website (under Links) and is gathered from manual searches.

As of mid-2019 the “Periodicals-libertarian” listing of English language publications shows about 665 listings. However this includes a number of duplicate listings. Also a number of publications produced in other countries such as the UK, Europe, Canada, Australia or New Zealand. This listing also includes a significant number of periodicals which might be termed “left libertarian” or “libertarian communist, socialist” or some other form of pre modern “rightwing,” “market” or “capitalist” libertarianism or anarchist-libertarianism. I refer to these Left forms of libertarianism, dating back to the early 19thcentury “revolutionary” socialist movement as “classical libertarianism.” It should be noted that some 19thcentury American anarchist/libertarians such as Josiah Warren, Lysander Spooner, Benjamin Tucker and a few others would fall into the modern American libertarian ideological camp. Regardless, the 19thcentury libertarian periodicals are not included in the ALDA listing below even if precursors to the contemporary American libertarian movement. If some are relevant and available for online access, I would consider adding them to a special ALDA section if resources permit.

Another large grouping of periodicals shown in the listing, probably the largest number, consist of Libertarian Party related publications, national, state and local ones. These are not included below for reasons previously noted. Then there are some listings of publications which are catalogues, books, pamphlets, advertising flyers or other miscellaneous ephemera which do not fall into the core context of the ALDA archives, at least in most cases.

Though there is some overlap in the excluded categories (non US, duplicate listings, leftist, LP or non-periodicals) I estimate that this still leaves roughly 130-180 possible candidates for the ALDA online archives. The listing below is suggestive only and not exclusive. What is certain however, is that absent special preservation techniques or online scanning, most will decay within a few years or decades and totally disappear, even in library collections. (A few are on microfiche or microfilm, so those may last longer, but this medium still decays.)

So, without further fanfare, these are some publications ALDA would like to host online:


The Libertarian Connection

Lisa Dawn, publisher   Los Angeles

Natalie Hall, Skye d’Aureous (editors?)

(Hall and d’Aureous were pseudonyms of Sandy Shaw and Durk Pearson, who subsequently went on to form the Life Extension Foundation and pioneered the anti-oxidant supplement industry, facing many legal FDA challenges.)


This publication was one of the earliest in the modern American libertarian movement. Noteworthy because of its samizdat (Russian for underground self-published) format. Originally sold for $10/12 issues, each subscriber could submit two typed/prepared pages for inclusion in the next issue (or pay extra for additional pages). I believe this format remained consistent throughout the life of the publication.

This publication attracted many early libertarian writers including several later “big names.” Articles often featured lively arguments about nearly everything, some of which carried on for many issues. Some also wrote short stories/poems, often futurist/science fiction or various accounts of possible future libertarian societies, anarchism, etc. Also notable for the often nearly unreadable format since some contributors shrunk their pages via photocopying to tiny print, or otherwise crammed in text to save money. Each two pages, front and back, looked different since they were submitted by different subscribers. Surprisingly lively debates though quality varied widely.

Pretty much what many online libertarian websites or comment sections now resemble, only more concise. At this early juncture there were no other books or published materials about anarcho-capitalist societies or variations of stateless societies. The open format attracted but also some incisive arguments and observations. At least it seemed so at the time.


The Connection

Erwin S. “Filthy” Pierre    Fairfax, VA

Dates unknown

It is unclear if this is the successor to the publication above. It is my (rather dim) recollection that Mr. Pierre was also involved in the original The Libertarian Connectionso this could be a continuation.I believe that this publication had a similar format.


Directory of Libertarian Periodicals

Jim Stumm    1995   Book

Stumm also wrote several other books associated with libertarian ideas/projects. Would be valuable to archive online due to the relevant content.


“A Magazine of Small ‘Zines”

( exact name not recalled/located)

Mr. Stumm may have been involved with this one, dates unknown.

There was also a regular quarterly magazine (‘zine) in newsletter format (publisher not recalled, nor it is listed in which ran several pages each issue andt had a running listing of small ‘zines and newsletters. It provided addresses, subscription costs and publishers and general subject matter. Many of which were libertarian, science fiction or other offbeat topics. Most of these were self-published, some about only fairly narrow topics. Not just focused on libertarian materials but many were.

Existed during the 1970s – ?


New Libertarian: Notes & Calendar

New Libertarian Company of Free Traders, Costa Mesa, CA

Dates unknown, though likely 70s-80s


New Libertarian Weekly

New Libertarian Enterprises


Strategy of the New Libertarian Alliance

Publisher: Nucleus of the New Libertarian Alliance, Norwalk CA


New Libertarian Notes!

New Libertarian Alliance


New Libertarian

Publisher Samuel Konkin III, Long Beach, CA



Tactics of the Movement of the Libertarian Left

Publisher Samuel Konkin III, Long Beach, CA


All of the above publications were published by Sam Konkin III and his small cadre of followers often working under the name Movement of the Libertarian Left (MLL). Despite the name this was not conventionally “left” but more of an extreme “ultra” anarcho-capitalist/market anarchist theoretical group. Konkin was controversial, and originally from Canada, boasted about being in the US illegally (he didn’t leave again.). Died in the late 2000s in the LA area. This group originally congregated in a southern LA County apartment building though it is unclear how Konkin and his various “groups” survived economically. Aside from selling subscriptions to different newsletters which usually folded or disappeared after a few issues. (Some libertarians today still hold Konkin in ill repute for his seeming con artistry on this.) He “exchanged” these various publications with other libertarian ones. The Konkin publications mostly consisted of his theories and often denounced the LP or other libertarians as “sell outs” or insufficiently pure.

Eventually Konkin moved to the Internet where he hosted his own MLL chat site until his death.

Despite his grandiose posturing, he had only a tiny following. His bombastic personality and questionable business ethics made him few friends. But he did represent an extreme anti-political libertarian viewpoint and advocated “counter economics” which was essentially black markets and tax avoidance. While he maintained he was anti-political he was a delegate to the famous 1975 LP convention in Irving TX (Dallas suburb) where the LP “compromise” was worked out allowing anarchist libertarians to be active members of the LP due to some re-wording of the LP Statement of Principles and membership pledge. Yes, that was a thing…



Libertarian Review, Inc. 1981-?

This was a Koch brothers funded monthly (usually) newsletter, which presented the Koch/Cato party line for LP politics and some other issues. Often considered the rival “movement activist” newsletter to the Reasonsponsored newsletter Frontlines. It ceased publication during the mid-80s when the Kochs moved away from the LP.



Libertarian Futurist Society, Rochester NY, now Mountain View, CA 1982-2016

Published quarterly, since 2016 in blog format. Issues from 2004 are online at the organization’s website Some earlier articles are individually available online. This group also awards prizes for the best libertarian/freedom genre new works in futurist and science fiction writing.


The Pragmatist

Association of Pragmatic Individuals, Forest Grove, PA

Jorge Amador Publisher/editor

1970s-90s?  Monthly, bi-monthly?

Amador was one of the three original founders of the Warminster, PA based Society for Individual Liberty (SIL), though unlike the others had no financial ownership stake. Advocated for libertarian policies and ideas on a much less theoretical/philosophical basis than the usual libertarian argumentation. Well written with commentary on contemporary issues, politics and libertarianism.


The Abolitionist

Rutgers Libertarian Alliance, Union NJ


Very early campus publication, likely produced by the core cadre of the NJ based Radical Libertarian Alliance (RLA).



North American Libertarian Alliance


Unknown content/orientation but possibly left libertarian or fusionist. Of interest due to early date. Could be Canadian but doesn’t indicate this.


The Libertarian Advocate

Libertarian Advocate, Falls Church VA

Unknown dates and editor/publisher, but some active libertarians known to be from this area very early.



The Reason Foundation


Considered the counterpoint view to the Koch brothers sponsored newsletter Update(see above),published monthly, bi-monthly. Was an activist outreach, news vehicle prior to the 1980 Ed Clark LP presidential campaign and the subsequent internal LP political battles between Koch surrogates versus Ed & Alicia Clark allied faction. Koch faction lost out in 1982 and both newsletters ended soon thereafter.


The Free Market

Lisa Dawn

Unknown dates, frequency. Dawn is also shown as publisher of The Libertarian Connection(see above) so this could be an earlier or later version or project.


The Libertarian: monthly newsletter of the conservative Republications of Gloucester County

Mantua, NJ    1965-1971

Of interest due to very early dates using “libertarian” in the title. Later Libertarian Republican Alliance (see Limit!) also from NJ/NY vicinity. Unknown if any relationship to that, however.



Libertarian Republican Alliance

J.L. Gentli   Brooklyn NY   1981-?

Earliest known libertarian Republican organization/publication.


The Atlantis News

Atlantis Publications

  1. Hudson 1968-1986

Originally Saugerties, NY, subsequently Jacksonville FL

This was the first and likely best known of the libertarian/free market “new country” projects, which this publication covered (frequency unknown). There was a core group of supporters, some with funding. Noteworthy for trying to purchase Abaco Island from the Bahamian government as a free country/libertarian stateless (or minimal) society platform. Some negotiations but funding shortfalls and negative political views by Bahamians killed it off eventually. Earlier, in the NY project, a concrete boat was envisioned at the new country platform. A small boat was built for a prototype but quickly sunk when tested. An ironic/poetic end. The “new country” concept has been regularly envisioned by some libertarian pioneers. Other ideas have included abandoned seaborne radio towers, coral reefs, islands in small Pacific nations [Minerva] and more current “sea steading” ideas. To date none have proven practical.



Individuals for a Rational Society, New Right Coalition

Boston, MA 1970-1972

Boston area campus activist oriented publication. Likely Randian/conservative/libertarian coalition project.


Life and Liberty

NJ Libertarian Alliance, North Plainfield NJ

Dates and frequency unknown


Libertarian Deseret Society Newsletter

Oceanside, CA, publisher, dates unknown

Unusual since the word “Deseret” is considered a term for the Church of the Latter Day Saints (Mormon) original homeland. Presumably produced by Mormon libertarians but nothing is known about this publication, other that it exists in the listings.


NYLA – News for Libertarians

NY Libertarian Association, Gary Greenburg

Dates? Likely1970s.

Greenburg later became a leader in the NYC and NY LP.


SIL News

The Individualist

WABOS  (Peace and Freedom Caucus)

SIL Services Bulletin

Society for Individual Liberty SIL), Warminster, PA based, dates 1970-early 1980s

These are some of the separate publications of SIL, one of the first post-YAF split libertarian activist groups. The principal newsletter was SIL Newswhich usually published monthly. SIL had local affiliates nationwide, some of which were also affiliated with the Radical Libertarian Alliance or local activist cells. SIL was financed by membership dues, contributions and by Maryland businessman Frank Bond, though it was “owned” by David Walter and Don Ernsberger. They provided printed materials to local groups, sponsored some conferences or tables at other events. Likely the most active of the pre or non-Libertarian Party libertarian groups due to its longevity. They didn’t financially support chapters however, and one informed source suggests that it was operated for profit.

Walter later became active in the LP and became national LP chair in 1989. Ernsberger was also active in the LP. In the 2000s Ernsberger became a congressional staffer for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) who himself was originally a Robert Lefevre organization student activist recruiter. Rohrabacher later became a “Reagan Republican” and was usually considered a libertarian Republican member until his defeat in 2016. (See the Congressional Liberty Indexesfor these ratings.)


The Liberator

Iowa Libertarian Association   1970-?


The Familist

The Familist Movement     1983-1993?

Based in El Paso TX, Monte Krels & family produced this unusual publication which stressed the family unit as the basic social construct, rather than the State or governments



Nomos Press, Chicago IL

Approx late 60s-80s?

A magazine format publication produced by Chicago area libertarians; articles about theory and policy.


Libertarian Alternative

San Diego, CA   Pub. Libertarian Alternative, dates/publisher unknown


SLS Action

Students for a Libertarian Society, San Francisco CA 1978-80?

This was a Koch brothers funded publication of the SLS group similarly funded. Intended to be an activist outreach/news organ. This group folded by about 1980 when the Kochs moved on.


Dagny$ News

Dagny Sharon, editor/publisher, Coconut Grove, FL   1983- ?

This personal publication reflected the editor’s Objectivist (Randian) outlook of current events and politics.


Liberator: an academic voice for individualism

Haywood H. Hillyer III   1961-?

Found in the libertarian periodicals listings, this is of interest due to the very early date and probable “modern” American libertarian orientation. Nothing further is known about it or its publisher.


Youth Connection  


Libertarian Student Network

Terry Inman, Florissant, MO. 1986-1991  (Contactshown only as 1982)

An independent group which reported on campus libertarian activities.


The Libertarian Digest

Fred Foldvary, Berkeley, CA 1981 -?


AREA Bulletin

Association for Rational Environmental Alternatives (AREA)

Dick Bjornseth, Approx. 1971-80?

Bjornseth was a Houston, TX based urban planner and organizer of what was the first (and likely only) libertarian environmental group and publication. This small organization published a small magazine bi-monthly and featured articles favoring nuclear power and market solutions to environmental and urban problems. ALDA site owner Holmes was an associate editor. Not listed in


Southern Libertarian Review

Eric Scott Royce, Arlington VA   1978-?

Featured articles by the editor/publisher and others in and around northern Virginia on libertarian topics and current events.


Southern Libertarian Messenger

Florence, SC   1972-1994 (various sources), monthly

Quality Education Inc.

Editor/publisher John T. Harlee

Harlee was an active libertarian in South Carolina and a founder of the SC LP. This publication ceased upon Harlee’s death in 1994.


Vonu Life

Paradise, CA 1971-?

“Vonu” was the notion that libertarians should live off the grid to avoid the government. Information about the editor/publisher was secretive. Suggestions in Vonu Lifeincluded hobo lifestyles or living in remote forests and mountains. Some advocates apparently did, at least for a while. Early “survivalist” advocacy.



Dates, editor/publisher unknown

Not listed in This is recalled from memory, but was published regularly in the 70s for a while. Also advocated “Vonu” off the grid State avoidance, multiple identities, etc. Due to the niche viewpoint and obscurity, would be an interesting archive addition.


Hard Core News

Houston Libertarian Alliance, Houston RLA Approx. 1969-1971

Produced monthly though irregularly by the early ex YAF libertarian group including the ALDA site owner Mike Holmes. Despite the name it was about libertarian politics/activism, not porn (which then was only in sleazy movie houses.) Subjects included local antiwar/anti-draft events, victimless crime opposition, “Census Resistance 70” project, not voting, tax day protests,etc. Not listed in


The Libertarian American

Center for Libertarian Studies, San Antonio, TX   Approx. 1965-1970

Not to be confused with the later American Libertariantabloid, or similarly named “Center for Libertarian Studies” groups elsewhere, this small newsletter appeared irregularly and very early. The core group were somewhat older than the usual late 60s era, mostly student libertarian activists, but were of the same ideological stripe. One editor/publisher was a physician in Austin, TX and ALDA site owner Holmes met these folks a couple of times at antiwar protests and in San Antonio. Very early modern American libertarians.


Libertarian Analysis

Stephen Halbrook, editor/publisher, Atlanta, GA approx. 1970s-1980

This well written booklet format bi-monthly featured articles about libertarian theory and practice, contemporary politics and issues and a general critique of government actions and possible solutions. Halbrook subsequently became well known for his pro Second Amendment writings as well as books about Nazi gun control in occupied France and Swiss neutrality in WWII. Currently a Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute in Oakland, CA.


The Libertarian: a Semi Monthly Newsletter

Joe Peden, NY, NY  1969

Peden later was listed as the publisher of Murray Rothbard’s Libertarian Forumnewsletter so this may have been a precursor publication. Very early and quite rare, small circulation.


The New Banner

Columbine, SC   1972- Approx late 70s

This newsletter, later in a tabloid format, was the product of the “New Bannerista” collective (as some called them), a small commune style group of ultra anarcho capitalists. They professed to follow Murray Rothbard’s teachings. His face was often on their literature, though he regarded them as rather odd and extreme, from my personal conversations with him. They appeared to operate more like a cult, and their views were extremely anti-political. This group is believed to have split/ended over legal problems stemming from allegations of family abuse, non-schooling their children and similar issues. Unlike one small but similar ideological band based in Washington State in the 70s, the New Banner group never resorted to bank robbery or other crime..



By the Libertarian Club

NY, NY 1941

Editor/publisher unknown

Probably of left anarchist orientation, but due to the name and early date, would be of interest to archive this.


Critical Review

Libertarian Review Foundation (San Francisco or Wash. DC)

1986 also listed as 1992-2003

A Koch brothers sponsored academic oriented journal. Was targeting the then trendy “critical studies” academic audience.


The Match

Fred Woodworth, Conrad Goeringer

Tucson, AZ    1969-2006?

This left anarchist publication is noteworthy for its longevity and single minded focus on local police matters and anti-religious, anti-government commentary seemingly out of the 19thcentury. There are a few back issues for sale and ALDA may host one just for nostalgia. Was printed in tabloid format for most of its existence. Goeringer seems to have vanished from online references, either due to split or other reasons. Closely identified with labor union socialism/IWW anarchism. Something of an aging mascot to the modern American rightwing libertarian movement. ALDA site owner Holmes would sometimes sell this newspapers at antiwar demonstrations just to provide competition to the ubiquitous Trotskyite Social Workers Party rags (now largely gone).


Libertarian Republican Organizer

Libertarian Agenda 

Libertarian Republican

 Libertarian Republican Organizing Committee (LROC)

Eric Garris, Justin Raimondo, Duncan Hunter,  1986-1992?

These newsletters, some in tabloid format, most not, were the official organs of LROC, a libertarian Republican cadre group based in the San Francisco Bay area. Garris had roots in the 60s California Peace & Freedom Party and most had worked within the LP during the 80s, but split when their LP Radical Caucus failed to catch on. LROC mainly operated in California though had a few outposts in other states. The key organizers later when on to form antiwar.comstill extant. LROC did outreach at California GOP events and conventions, but their highly theoretical analysis approach did not resonate with most Republican/conservative activists. They identified with the early 50s Robert Taft Old Right and other paleo libertarians, who were nearly unknown among most GOP activists. :LROC folded after they were at the last minute excluded from Pat Buchanan’s primary campaign organization by Bay Buchanan (Pat Buchanan’s sister) during the 1992 Houston GOP convention..



Libertarians for Gay and Lesbian Concerns, Washington DC


Newsletter featuring gay/lesbian commentary for and about libertarians, somewhat focused on politics and the LP.


ALF News

Association of Libertarian Feminists (ALF)

Dates appear to vary: 1976, 1985-1989

Periodic newsletter of ALF directed at women’s issues. Berkeley libertarian feminist pioneer Sharon Pressley was one of the principal founders. Tonie Nathan, 1972 LP Vice Presidential candidate, was also activein ALF. This group attended 1980s national women’s conventions and conferences.



Internal Bulletin of the LP Radical Caucus Central Committee, 1980

Rather grandiose name for this temporary publication produced by a small LP faction at the 1980 Libertarian Party presidential nominating convention. Many of the core members later founded LROC (see Libertarian Republican Organizer, et. al.) and


The Liberator

Advocates for Self Government

Marshall Fritz, Sharon Harris, Carol Ann Rand, Approx. mid 80s through today (online)

This publication, orginally monthly, was the principal organ of the Advocates for Self Government (The Advocates) which still exits. Founded by former IBM salesman Marshall Fritz, it sponsored a Toastmasters/fraternal group/educational outreach approach to libertarian activism. Known for “The World’s Smallest Political Quiz” and other easy to grasp libertarian educational items, the Advocates focused on non-political themes of individualism, private enterprise and voluntary activism rather than government “solutions” to social economic problems.


Freedom Network News

World Freedom Bulletin

Free World Chronicle

International Society for Individual Liberty, Libertarian International publishers, originally Richmond, VA, The Free World Chroniclewas published from 1982-1986 from Niagara Falls, NY

The other publications likely started in the late 70s and continued through the 90s, though that is unclear.

The details are also unclear as to when or how these publications merged, or became successors, but their focus was on libertarian groups and activity outside of the United States. The Libertarian International group sponsored conferences overseas, usually in Europe, and invited non US libertarians to American libertarian conferences and conventions. Liberty Audio (and later Video) owner Jim Turney, also a former LP chair and activist, was a key sponsor and activist for this group. It still exists as


Rampart College Newsletter

Libertas Review


Dates from mid 60s through approx.. mid 80s (unclear)

These and probably other titles were produced/published by Pine Tree Press (Larkspur CO) and later Santa Anna CA, where Robert Lefevre’s private Rampart College subsequently moved in the 70s. These were all products his unique “autarkist”-pacifist version of libertarian thought. Lefevre was a non-political and anti-violence libertarian (even for self-defense) and his main theme was “anything that’s voluntary.” In the 60s and 70s Lefevre’s courses taught by himself or other approved teachers, which influenced a number of young libertarians and exposed them to a variety of historical libertarian thinkers and exemplars.

While few became consistent Lefevreans, his essentially market anarchist perspectives and anti-war fundamentalism moved many former conservative/rightwing/Objectivist students towards a more radical and consistent libertarian world view. He was respected as very sincere and principled even by those who disagreed in part with him (such as Murray Rothbard). Also notable for his courses influencing the Koch family, whose sons later became major libertarian funders (until the latter 2010s). Koch also sent his Koch Industries executives to these courses.